The Indian Music Society of Houston

The Indian Music Society of Houston was established in 1992 by a group of classical music lovers whose passion and love for the classical music of India, prompted them to organize themselves into a non profit organization that brought world class classical performing arts to our doorstep in Houston, in traditional style, to be enjoyed by connoisseur and amateur alike.

It is this commitment and dedication to preserve, promote and propagate the myriad of centuries old classical music, both instrumental and vocal, that has driven the Indian Music Society to host the giants of the arts like Pandit Jasraj, Pt. Hari Prasad Chaurasia, Ustad Amjad Ali Khan, Ustad Ali Akbar Khan, Dr. N Rajam, Pt. Ulhas Kashalkar, Pts. Rajan and Sajan Misra, Pt. Vishwa Mohan Bhat, Smt. Ashwini Bhide, Ustad Rashid Khan, Pt. Kishan Maharaj, Pt. Kumar Bose, Pt. Anindo Chatterjee, Pt. Yogesh Samsi, Kaushiki Chakraborty, Arati Ankalikar Tikekar, Kartik Kumar, and scores of other established and young artists during the span of 30 years.

Since inception, we have organized over 240 concerts, in addition to scores of concerts in a ghar-baithak setting.

Mission Statement: To promote, propagate and preserve the classical music arts of India in Houston.

GOALS & OBJECTIVES: Promote, Propagate and Preserve the arts through the presentation of performances by world class caliber artistes, as well as through various workshops and performances by local talent within the Indo American community as well as outreach to the mainstream community to build an awareness and appreciation of our exceptional classical music heritage.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Consists of an all volunteer Board that strives to uphold its goals and objectives. These are people from varied walks of life for whom music is a passion.

MEMBERSHIP: Can be obtained by paying a fee per calendar year that entitles each member and their families to attend all of our 8 -10 concerts per year. Become a member.

See our By Laws

2022 Form 990

Board of Directors

Mr. Govind Shetty (President)
Mr. Mahesh Desai (Treasurer)
Mrs. Usha Ganju (Publicity)
Mr. Suresh Shenoy
Mr. Jasbir Singh
Dr. Mohan Ketkar

Contact Information

6655 Harwin Dr. #A 101 Houston, TX 77036.

Phone Contacts:



Email Addresses:
Email: [email protected]
Govind Shetty at [email protected]